The Odessey

  1. 2. Star Circe told Odysseus to follow
  2. 4. God of the ocean
  3. 5. Fruit that made eaters forgetful
  4. 7. Wrote “The Illiad”
  5. 8. The great dog
  6. 10. Excessive pride, arrogance
  7. 11. Immortals
  8. 12. This event lasted 10 years (two words)
  9. 14. A deity uses him to speak
  10. 17. Human
  11. 19. A person who predicts the future
  12. 24. Incongruity between what is expected and what occurs
  13. 26. Grey-eyed Athena
  14. 27. Kind and generous treatment
  15. 29. A dense growth of bushes
  16. 30. Pigs pen
  17. 31. A gaping throat
  18. 32. King of the gods
  19. 36. Predetermined
  20. 38. Muse of poetry
  21. 40. Goddess of war
  22. 41. God of the sea
  23. 42. Sea nymphs (part woman and part bird)
  24. 44. Goddess presiding over poetry
  25. 45. Odysseus’ home
  26. 47. River in Hades
  27. 48. Faithful
  28. 50. Sea monster near Charybdis
  1. 1. Goddess of sorcery
  2. 3. Observing reasonable limits
  3. 6. One who seeks to marry a woman
  4. 9. Ancient city in S. Greece
  5. 10. God of the underworld
  6. 11. The quality of being crafty
  7. 13. Son of Odysseus
  8. 15. One-eyed giants
  9. 16. Clothing
  10. 18. Hero of “The Odyssey”
  11. 19. One who tends swine
  12. 20. Messenger of the gods
  13. 21. Mount of the gods
  14. 22. A tract of land surrounded by water
  15. 23. A scarf
  16. 25. Sorrowful
  17. 28. Inhabited the island of Scheria
  18. 33. A long story or poem
  19. 34. The sea nymph who detained Odysseus
  20. 35. A composition in verse
  21. 37. Wool of a sheep
  22. 39. A characterizing word or phrase
  23. 41. Spoken or written language as in ordinary usage
  24. 43. Strike with a firm blow
  25. 46. God of the sun
  26. 49. A minor divinity represented as a beautiful maiden
  27. 51. U-shaped stringed instrument