The Odyssey (Books 1-12)

  1. 1. Deprived of or lacking something
  2. 4. A loose, sleevless cloak or cape
  3. 5. Extremely unpleasant.
  4. 6. (of a cruel or violent action) Deliberate and unprovoked.
  5. 12. Evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way
  6. 14. A conference between opposing sides in a dispute
  7. 15. Bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy
  8. 16. Make sore by rubbing against it
  9. 17. Any of the sea nymphs, daughters of Nereus
  10. 18. A mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark, typically on a hilltop or skyline.
  11. 20. The edge, rim, or margin of something
  12. 22. Lacking care of attention to duty, negligent
  13. 23. The first or second stomach of a cow or other ruminant used as food.
  14. 26. Raise (a sensitive or difficult subject) for discussion
  15. 28. Bold and without shame
  16. 29. Shelter from wind or weather given by a neighboring object
  17. 30. Serious and immediate danger.
  18. 33. Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
  19. 35. Having of showing no skill, clumsy
  20. 36. A meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves; A blow, typically of the hand or fist.
  21. 38. Lavishly supply (someone) with food or drink; Entertain or amuse (someone) with talk.
  22. 40. Bright or shinning
  23. 42. Dispense or allot (justice or a punishment)
  24. 44. Say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner.
  25. 45. Of or relating to the sky or the heavens
  26. 50. Low spirits, a feeling of boredom or depression
  27. 52. Totally bewildered or perplex
  28. 53. Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
  29. 54. Rob (a place) using violence
  30. 58. Showing a rude or arrogant lack of respect
  31. 60. The goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like; to reflect (about) or ponder (on), usually in silence
  32. 61. Steal goods from by force (as in war)
  33. 67. Of exceptional strength, size, or power
  34. 69. Having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
  35. 71. Decieve or Trick someone into doing something.
  36. 73. Kindred or agreeable
  37. 74. An advisor
  38. 75. An event regarded as a portent of good or evil.
  39. 76. Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
  40. 77. To keep from proceeding
  41. 80. abandon: the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry
  42. 81. A cause of great distress or annoyance
  43. 82. Walk heavily or noisily
  44. 84. Not able to be controlled or restained
  45. 86. The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
  46. 87. Impudence: an impudent statement
  47. 94. Tending or able to change frequently or easily
  48. 95. Ashrill, narrow-tubed war trumpet
  49. 97. Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
  50. 98. Use or take advantage of
  51. 99. Extreme anger
  52. 101. The decaying flesh of dead animals
  53. 103. Pleasant to look at; attractive
  54. 104. Unable to be endured; unbearing
  55. 106. Wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.
  56. 108. An ambush
  57. 111. Threatening Harm
  58. 114. Impossible to subdue or defeat
  59. 115. Turn on or as if on pivot, rotate
  60. 116. Widespread and high repute; The condition of being known or talked about by many people
  61. 117. Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it
  62. 118. Of or like a lizard.
  63. 119. Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable
  64. 122. A public place in Ancient Greek/Rome devolted to training of wrestlers and other athletes.
  65. 125. A trap for catching birds or animals, typically one having a noose of wire or cord.
  66. 128. Lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner.
  67. 131. The side of a ship or aircraft that is on the right when one is facing forward.
  68. 134. Very deep; bottomless; unfathomable or incomprehensible.
  69. 135. The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening.
  70. 137. A medieval poet and musician who sang or recited while accompanying himself on a stringed instrument, either as a member of a noble household or as an itinerant troubadour.
  71. 139. Consider to be unworthy of one's consideration; lack of respect
  72. 141. Make a loud, deep roar, or shout typically in pain or anger
  73. 143. Crouch down in fear.
  74. 144. Waste in a reckless or foolish manner
  75. 145. Convenient or advantageous rather than right or just
  76. 146. Property inherited from one's father or male ancestor.
  77. 147. An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease
  78. 148. A cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial.
  79. 149. Irritated or annoy
  80. 150. Very skilled or proficient at something
  1. 2. Condition; trim or clean the rough edges
  2. 3. At, near, or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an aircraft.
  3. 5. (of a problem or issue) Difficult and much debated; problematic.
  4. 7. (abase) humiliate: cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; embarressed
  5. 8. Sly or cunning intelligence
  6. 9. Bitterness or resentfulness
  7. 10. A descendant of a notable family.
  8. 11. movie ina turbulent fashion; a large number of items in no order
  9. 13. A building or semi-independent unit of a building, generally used as a living apartment and typically having a square or broadly rectangular principal chamber with a porch, often of columns in antis, and sometimes an antichamber or other small compartments.
  10. 15. An excessive amount of something
  11. 19. So delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
  12. 21. Seeking to emulate or imitate someone or something
  13. 24. A mixture of oil and balsam, consecrated and used for anointing at baptism and in other rites of Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican Churches.
  14. 25. Extremely serious or urgent
  15. 27. Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.
  16. 29. Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others
  17. 30. Easily irritated
  18. 31. Haippily, in a joyous manner
  19. 32. An official order or commission to do something
  20. 34. A long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc.
  21. 37. A whip used as an instrument of punishment.
  22. 39. To bring or restore to a state of peace or tranquillity
  23. 41. Of little value or importance
  24. 43. Free of anything that darkens, completely clear
  25. 46. Offended the modesty or values of
  26. 47. Conceal one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs.
  27. 48. A thick rope or cable for mooring or towing a ship.
  28. 49. A large extinct elephant
  29. 51. A drink poured out as an offering to a deity.
  30. 55. A small sailing ship with two or three masts and a lugsail on each.
  31. 56. In a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect
  32. 57. Openly disregard a rule, law, or convention.
  33. 59. Friendly and welcoming to strangers or guests.
  34. 62. Offered or consecrated in fulfillment of a vow
  35. 63. Causing or likely to cause an argument, controversial
  36. 64. Food or provisions, typically as prepared for consumption.
  37. 65. The action of invoking something or someone for assistance or as an authority.
  38. 66. A profoundly wise man
  39. 68. Intense happiness
  40. 70. An athletic event comprising five different events for each competitor, in particular (also modern pentathlon) a men's event involving fencing, shooting, swimming, riding, and cross-country running.
  41. 72. A frame or stand on which a corpse or the coffin containing it is laid before burial.
  42. 78. Unable to be placated, relentless, unstoppable
  43. 79. Without consolation or comfort; unhappy.
  44. 83. Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.
  45. 84. Too extreme to bear, intolerable
  46. 85. Silly, foolish
  47. 88. Point of land jutting into the sea
  48. 89. A person who is skilled at planning tactics.
  49. 90. A town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload.
  50. 91. Accorded a great deal of respect
  51. 92. Make appropriate return for award
  52. 93. Put down by force
  53. 96. An action intended to decieve someone, a trick
  54. 100. Make an unpleasant feeling less intense
  55. 102. Conductive to success; favorable
  56. 105. (of a person or other living thing) Lose or lack vitality; grow weak.
  57. 107. A loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise.
  58. 109. Fixed in direction, unwavering or determined in purpose, loyalty, etc.
  59. 110. Reckless mischief
  60. 112. A pleasant shady place.
  61. 113. Hungrily; in the manner of someone who is hungry
  62. 114. (of behavior, performance, or appearance) In accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless.
  63. 120. To become less severe
  64. 121. Slow and clumsy because of great weight
  65. 122. Of or relating to the breast or chest
  66. 123. detestably: in an offensive and hateful manner
  67. 124. A medicine that relieves or allays pain
  68. 126. Having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity.
  69. 127. scylla and charybdis" Similar in meaning to between a rock and a hard place.
  70. 129. An officer of the British royal household who attends or assists members of the royal family.
  71. 130. A powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river.
  72. 132. Extremely happy, full of joy
  73. 133. Difficulties, misfortune
  74. 135. Make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on
  75. 136. sacrifice of a hundred oxen
  76. 138. Exceed, be greater than
  77. 140. Property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.
  78. 142. Expressed clearly; easy to understand