The Odyssey, Part 1

  1. 1. Odysseus's home; where he is headed
  2. 3. flower that makes Odysseus’s men forget their homeland
  3. 5. mother of Odysseus
  4. 8. Odysseus and his men hide under these to escape the Cyclops' cave
  5. 10. the shipmate who convinced the men to eat the cattle
  6. 11. king of the Phaeacians, to whom Odysseus tells his story
  7. 12. god of the underworld
  8. 13. a long narrative poem that is central to a culture’s national identity
  9. 15. dangerous whirlpool
  10. 16. god who creates a storm to punish Odysseus’s men for eating cattle
  11. 17. six-headed sea monster
  12. 19. father of the Cyclops
  1. 2. Lord _____; the sun god
  2. 4. creatures who sing to lure sailors to their deaths
  3. 6. blind prophet
  4. 7. goddess of wisdom and war; Odysseus asks for her assistance
  5. 9. name of the Cyclops
  6. 14. the city Odysseus defeats before the start of The Odyssey
  7. 15. belonged to the sun god; eaten by Odysseus's men
  8. 18. the first soldiers to attack Odysseus' men on their way home