The Odyssey

  1. 1. Helio's favorite animal
  2. 4. Odysseus wants revenge on Penelope's _____
  3. 6. Original language of "The Odyssey"
  4. 8. name of the god who dislikes Odysseus
  5. 10. nymph in love with Odysseus
  6. 12. Ithaca is also a city in the American state
  7. 13. Penelope supposedly wove Laerte's shroud for this many years
  8. 14. theisland Odysseus was born on
  9. 15. Charybdis is a _________
  10. 18. fake name given to Cyclops by Odysseus
  11. 20. where the gods live
  12. 22. Odysseus listened to their song
  13. 24. dangerous flower
  14. 25. Ithaca is part of this country
  15. 26. Goddess of Beauty
  16. 29. Handmaiden
  17. 30. Wine of the gods
  18. 34. Main character
  19. 36. blind Propher
  20. 38. Continent where Troy is located
  21. 39. Odysseus' wife
  22. 41. Penelope held this type of competition
  23. 43. Antinous hit Odysseus with this
  24. 44. The Odyssey was not written in AD, but __
  25. 45. His cattle were killed
  1. 1. monster with one eye
  2. 2. City where Odysseus' journey began
  3. 3. Ruler of the gods
  4. 5. The only animal who could also see Athena
  5. 6. A word used in the Odyssey; we would say 'disguise'
  6. 7. What Odysseus put in his crews ears to protect them
  7. 8. name of the Cyclops
  8. 9. The first letter in the Greek Alphabet
  9. 11. Goddess who helps Odysseus
  10. 14. Homer's other epic
  11. 16. Odysseus' disguise
  12. 17. Ruler of the underworld
  13. 19. Age in which the story was written; also a metal
  14. 21. Odysseus' son
  15. 23. name of the whirlpool
  16. 27. Telemachus thought his father was this
  17. 28. Another famous epic author
  18. 31. Phaeacian King
  19. 32. Swinherd
  20. 33. Odysseus' father
  21. 35. Penelope was weaving this for Laertes
  22. 37. The worst of Penelope's suitors
  23. 40. The______War
  24. 42. Creature with 6 necks
  25. 45. author