The Odyssey

  1. 2. The Shepard that sheltered Odysseus after his return
  2. 6. Daughter of Queen arete
  3. 7. God of sea
  4. 8. The nymph that keeps Odysseus from leaving her island
  5. 10. A manipulative suitors
  6. 12. The brother of Melantho
  7. 13. goddess of wisdom
  8. 14. The only decent man seeking Penelope's hand in marriage
  9. 17. The most arrogant of Penelope's suitors
  10. 18. King of gods
  11. 19. Queen of phaeacians
  12. 20. King of Ithaca
  1. 1. Sister of Melanthius
  2. 3. Theban prophet of the underworld
  3. 4. The servant who mothered Odysseus and Telemachus
  4. 5. The cyclops
  5. 9. Prince of Ithaca
  6. 11. turns Odysseus crew into animals
  7. 15. King of Pylos
  8. 16. Queen of Ithaca