The Office

  1. 5. What is the name of Dwight's porcupine?
  2. 6. What gift does Jim get Pam on the episode 'Christmas Party'?
  3. 8. What cost Michael 200$?
  4. 10. What costume does Pam wear on Halloween while pregnant?
  5. 11. What does Angela get for Dwight on Valentine's day?
  6. 13. Where does Jim and Pam get married?
  7. 19. What does the (supposed) waitress say to Michael when he invites her to go to Jamaica? 'No... I have (...)'
  8. 22. What cake does Kelly ask for on her birthday?
  9. 23. What are Phyllis, Angela and Pam members of?
  10. 24. What sort of training does Andy have to go through?
  11. 25. What middle name does Jim print out on Dwight's work ID
  12. 26. What is Pam's favourite yoghurt?
  13. 27. Where did Michael take Jim when he wanted to talk about Pam?
  14. 28. After how much time since Jim and Pam start dating does he buy the ring?
  1. 1. Which role did the casting team originally want John Krasinski to audition for?
  2. 2. What reference does Jim use to refer to a couple that they met on the honeymoon?
  3. 3. Which episode of Glee made an appearance in The Office?
  4. 4. What is Jim's nickname?
  5. 7. Which Angela's cat does Dwight kill?
  6. 9. Where is the actor playing Jeb Schrute known from?
  7. 12. What is the name of Andy's University acapella band?
  8. 14. What is Michale and Jan's safeword?
  9. 15. Michale is just a little ...
  10. 16. What does Jim put Dwight's stapler in?
  11. 17. What does Dwight grow in his farm?
  12. 18. What radio station's sticker can be seen all around the office?
  13. 20. What does Dwight know not to do after the First Aid training? 'Not to (...)a real person'
  14. 21. Where did Jim and Pam almost elope?
  15. 26. What is the name of Dwight's cousin?