tHe OfFiCe

  1. 4. who describe wine as having an 'oaky afterbirth'
  2. 5. what is dwight's favorite tv show
  3. 6. how does michael burn his foot
  4. 7. how does michael hit with his car
  5. 9. what does pam steal in the first season
  6. 13. what is pams favorite flavor of ice cream
  7. 14. what does stanley typically do during meetings
  8. 16. what cause does michael use for the fund run
  9. 17. where does jim propose to pam
  10. 20. what does kevin wear on his feet to jim and pam's wedding
  11. 21. What’s in Michael’s thermos during morning deliveries for Michael Scott Paper Company?
  12. 22. what food is kevin forced to eat
  1. 1. who runs the warehouse
  2. 2. what item does michael always have dry cleand
  3. 3. whats michaels username for the dating website
  4. 8. dwight keeps what in his car for special occasions
  5. 10. what is the worst thing about prison, according to prison mike
  6. 11. what did pam and angela want to name their baby
  7. 12. who did kevin get for his secret santa
  8. 15. who dated pam's mother
  9. 18. which of angela's cats does dwight freeze
  10. 19. what animal does dwight say is the scariest