The Office

  1. 3. ______ started the fire.
  2. 7. What is the name of the the client Michael and Jan meet at chilis(hint his name starts with C)?
  3. 9. Who had jury duty for the Scranton Strangler case?
  4. 11. What is the city known for in the show?
  5. 14. The food Jim put Dwights stapler in?
  6. 15. What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
  7. 17. Worlds Best Boss.
  8. 19. what is the name of Dwight's cousin?
  9. 20. What city is the office in?
  1. 1. Which one of Angela's cats did Dwight kill?
  2. 2. The painter
  3. 4. Who was Jan Levinson's assistant?
  4. 5. Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
  5. 6. Who did Kevin get for secret Santa?
  6. 8. What state do Michael Scott and Holly move to?
  7. 10. Pam is engaged to him before Jim.
  8. 12. Michael Scott's favorite restaurant
  9. 13. what was Plop's (the intern) actual name?
  10. 15. Michael loves waking up the smell of what?
  11. 16. How many brothers does Jim have?
  12. 18. What was Jim and Pam's first kids name?