The Office

  1. 2. Kissed by Michael on the mouth.
  2. 5. Showcased art in a gallery.
  3. 6. Michael's nemesis
  4. 7. Started the fire
  5. 10. Owns a beet farm.
  6. 11. Given a 1-hour nap on her birthday.
  7. 13. Owns her own candle making company
  8. 14. Makes the best chili.
  1. 1. Got run over by Michael in the parking lot
  2. 3. Dyed his hair black with printer ink
  3. 4. Went to Cornell.
  4. 5. Married to Bob Vance
  5. 8. Judgmental cat lady
  6. 9. Crossword puzzle fan
  7. 12. Receptionist after Pam