The Office Trivia

  1. 4. Who starts as a "temp"?
  2. 5. Scranton's Regional Manager
  3. 6. Which office branch did Jim transfer to?
  4. 9. The head of the party planning committee?
  5. 10. Who gets rabies?
  6. 12. What is Jim's last name?
  7. 13. Where did Andy go to college?
  1. 1. What does Dwight grow on his farm?
  2. 2. Who was Pam engaged to before Jim?
  3. 3. Jim's love interest
  4. 4. Who started the fire?
  5. 5. Who did Michael hit with his car?
  6. 7. Who runs the warehouse?
  7. 8. Who are the majority of Jim's pranks on?
  8. 11. Which co-worker does Ryan date?