The Office Trivia Crossword

  1. 3. “Save _______!” (A cat)
  2. 4. Dwight’s middle name
  3. 8. the name of the cat that Dwight tries to gift to Angela
  4. 9. The made up sport in Office Olympics
  5. 10. When the office gets this type of beverage machine, everyone is very energetic
  6. 11. Jamaican resort where Michael brings Jan
  7. 17. While Michael suffers a burned foot, Dwight suffers a ______
  8. 18. Dinkin _____
  9. 19. Pam is never allowed at this restaurant again
  1. 1. Michael tries to win back clients with ____ baskets
  2. 2. the disease where your teeth liquify and drip down your throat is _____ dental hydroplosion
  3. 5. Toby’s job is Human _____
  4. 6. The instrument Darryl plays
  5. 7. The crop that Schrute farms is known for
  6. 11. City where Dunder Mifflin is located
  7. 12. David’s invention for kids (written as one word)
  8. 13. Michael emails a private photo of Jan to ____@dundermifflin
  9. 14. “I DECLARE _______!”
  10. 15. The office raises awareness of rabies by holding a ___ run
  11. 16. Micheal makes a splash in this pond