The Old Man and the Sea

  1. 2. the type of rope the old man uses (Spanish)
  2. 5. the old man dreams of the ______ Islands after exploring the beaches of Africa
  3. 9. Coast Santiago went “turtle-ing” along the ________ Coast
  4. 11. the place where Manolin gets the beer; means grocery store in Spanish
  5. 12. the old man in The Old Man and the Sea
  6. 13. a unit of measurement the old man uses to measure depth; one of these is six feet
  7. 15. the upper end of a boat; the old man uses this to cut the line
  8. 16. the old man uses this term to describe the weather; it means breeze (Spanish)
  9. 18. the baseball team the old man believes “cannot lose”
  1. 1. the animal the old man considers his brother, like the flying fish, due to its ability to “play and make jokes and love one another”
  2. 3. the worst form of unlucky (Spanish)
  3. 4. the brand of beer that comes in bottles which can be returned
  4. 6. ________ poisoning is an example of a disease the old man would find humiliating
  5. 7. the tough budshields of the royal palm (Spanish)
  6. 8. the title given to both the jellyfish with a “gelatinous bladder” and to the bird with “long black wings”
  7. 9. the young boy who relates well with the old man
  8. 10. the old man compared the feeling in his hand to _____ mortis (Latin)
  9. 14. attached to the gunwale of the boat to hold the oars
  10. 15. one of the items the old man was afraid would be stolen if he left it in the boat; an iron hook
  11. 17. the pictures of biblical figures which adorned the old man’s wall were _____s of his wife