The Olympic Games

  1. 2. The winners would get how many prizes?
  2. 4. We can thank the Greeks for starting this ___.
  3. 5. The first recorded___ game was in 776 BC.
  4. 8. The Olympics are held every how many years?
  5. 11. Forty thousand____ could view a track event at one time?
  6. 12. The people did what while they were not at the Olympics?
  7. 14. The ___ Olympics lasted until A.D. 393.
  8. 15. Just like today, huge ___ and stadiums were erected specifically for the Olympics.
  9. 17. The winner lit a fire up on a what?
  10. 18. Who were the Olympics made to honor originally?
  11. 19. When not in war the men would practice by ____.
  1. 1. One of the more demanding Olympic Games was what?
  2. 3. Just like today, some of the athletes became favorites and people would ___ to see them?
  3. 6. Some men became what At the Olympics?
  4. 7. Women had their own running events in a festival called what?
  5. 9. In the late 1800s a ____ resurrected the tradition of the games.
  6. 10. Athletics have been a part of most cultures around the ___.
  7. 13. Women were not allowed to compete or watch the ___.
  8. 15. The Olympics were to keep the soldiers in shape for what?
  9. 16. Where did the first Olympics take place?