The Omer

  1. 3. what is lit on Lag B'Omer
  2. 5. what is said before we count each day
  3. 6. what the zohar means
  4. 9. mystical teachings of the torah
  5. 11. the direction in which we count The Omer
  6. 14. the burial place of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
  7. 15. what is permitted on Lag B'Omer (customary for 3 yr old boys)
  8. 16. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's famed book
  9. 17. the number of days in The Omer
  10. 19. the number 33 in Hebrew
  1. 1. activity not permitted during the omer
  2. 2. what The Omer is a measurement of
  3. 4. Rabbi Akiva's fathers name
  4. 5. game played by children on Lag B'Omer
  5. 6. the end of The Omer
  6. 7. the 2 Hebrew letters which make 33
  7. 8. associated with Shavuot
  8. 10. how we count the days of The Omer
  9. 12. the beginning of Yhe Omer
  10. 13. the Hebrew month of the 33rd day of the omer
  11. 18. Rabbi Akiva's wife