The One and Only... Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. Grid/ A grid to show the thousandths.
  2. 10. To estimate an unknown value between known values.
  3. 12. The point where the two axes of a coordinate grid meet.
  4. 13. Rules that tell in what order to perform operations in arithmetic.
  5. 14. Being part of two lines that cross or meet at right angles
  6. 17. The first number in a pair of numbers used to locate a point.
  7. 18. Either of the two number lines that intersect to form a coordinate grid.
  8. 21. A method that can be applied easily and quickly.
  9. 23. To meet or cross.
  10. 25. Traditional Subtraction/ A subtraction method that involves subtracting digits by place-value.
  11. 26. The number before the Hundredths.
  12. 33. To change a number slightly to make it easier to work or to make it better.
  13. 34. To show, symbolize, or stand for something.
  14. 35. A number written in standard, base-10 notation that contains a decimal point.
  1. 1. In a coordinate grid, the vertical number line.
  2. 2. In a coordinate grid, the horizontal number line.
  3. 3. A statement that is thought to be true based on information or mathematical thinking.
  4. 4. Any one of a set of numbers that are added.
  5. 5. Addition/ A method for adding numbers in which the addends’ digits are first.
  6. 7. The second number in a pair of numbers used to locate a point.
  7. 8. One of the two numbers in an ordered pair.
  8. 9. To draw on a number line, coordinate grid, or graph.
  9. 11. Grid/ A grid formed by two number lines that intersect at their zero points.
  10. 14. Addition/ A way to add in which sums are computed for each place and separately.
  11. 15. Form/ A way of writing a number as the sum.
  12. 16. The number before the one.
  13. 19. As correct as possible for the situation.
  14. 20. Point/ A dot used to separate the ones and tenths places in decimals.
  15. 22. Subtraction/ A subtraction strategy in which you count up from the smaller.
  16. 24. Subtraction/ A subtraction method in which all trade are done before any subtraction.
  17. 27. Pair/ Two numbers that are used to locate a point on.
  18. 28. The number before the Tenths.
  19. 29. Notation/ Same as standard form.
  20. 30. To make a number or shape by putting together smaller numbers or shapes.
  21. 31. A set of step-by-step instructions for doing something.
  22. 32. One of the number symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.