The outer planets

  1. 2. Saturn has __ moons
  2. 3. the biggest planet
  3. 5. Neptune was located using __
  4. 8. Uranus has a tilt that makes it look like it spins __
  5. 10. Uranus doesn't have a __
  6. 11. This planet has rings
  7. 13. The asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the __
  8. 15. Jupiter is made of __
  1. 1. Made of lots of space rocks
  2. 4. Neptune is a __
  3. 6. The asteroid belt orbits the sun in a __ shape
  4. 7. Saturns rings are made of __
  5. 9. The 8th planet
  6. 12. Jupiter is the __ planet
  7. 14. The 7th planet