The Outer Solar System

  1. 5. gives Neptune and Uranus it's blue color
  2. 7. Neptune was discovered because of ______ instead of observation
  3. 8. one of Jupiter's moons that shows evidence of a large liquid ocean beneath its surface
  4. 10. all the outer planets have moons and ______
  5. 11. this planet rotates sideways
  6. 12. the pressure inside Jupiter is so high that hydrogen becomes a _________
  7. 14. the edge of the _________ is also the edge of our solar sytem
  1. 1. the outer planets are mostly made of helium and __________
  2. 2. was discovered as a planet but became a dwarf planet is 2006
  3. 3. only other planetary body with liquid on its surface
  4. 4. a "dirty snowball" that comes from the outer solar system
  5. 6. this planet is less dense than water!
  6. 7. Saturn's rings come from its ______
  7. 9. a large rotating storm on Jupiter
  8. 13. the outer planets are also called the ________ planets