The outsiders

  1. 1. they live in the west side of town.
  2. 4. the Socs were considered...
  3. 5. the most violent greaser.
  4. 7. the person who kills bob.
  5. 8. ponyboy’s youngest brother.
  6. 10. the color of the Socs mustang.
  7. 13. the place where ponyboy got jumped.
  8. 16. the thing greasers put on their hair.
  9. 17. what the greasers and Socs got into.
  10. 18. what they said that both Socs and greasers had.
  1. 2. the place where Johnny gets injured and dies.
  2. 3. they live in the east side of town.
  3. 4. When the greasers and Socs went to fight.
  4. 5. if Johnny haunts killed bob ponyboy would’ve...
  5. 6. the car the Socs drove.
  6. 9. the greasers were considered...
  7. 11. where has dally already been.
  8. 12. Ponyboy’s oldest brother.
  9. 14. the place dally robbed.
  10. 15. what ponyboy called the greaser.