The Outsiders

  1. 2. A word to describe cool
  2. 3. off Mad
  3. 7. To fight
  4. 9. Joking or kidding
  5. 11. A fight
  6. 12. Sketchy or criminals
  7. 15. Steal or shoplift
  8. 17. Drunk
  9. 18. Poor kids on the west side
  10. 23. Jail
  11. 25. A gun
  1. 1. In a fight when you get hit
  2. 4. Red hair
  3. 5. An attractive girl
  4. 6. Agree or okay with that
  5. 8. up Smoking or lighting your cigarette
  6. 9. A cigarette
  7. 10. in A movie theater outside, with a projector
  8. 13. short for socials
  9. 14. Be attacked
  10. 16. fuzz The cops
  11. 19. steal
  12. 20. Asking if you understand
  13. 21. Uncool
  14. 22. Like a greaser
  15. 24. Friends or a group of people alike