The Outsiders

  1. 1. Joy over victory or success
  2. 4. Color of Soda's eyes
  3. 6. Where did Ponyboy and Johnny fall asleep?
  4. 7. Narrator
  5. 9. What falls out of “Gone With the Wind”
  6. 10. Action Darry took on Ponyboy
  7. 11. Soda dropped out of school because he was ______
  8. 12. West Side group
  9. 14. Johnny's last name
  10. 16. Name of soda's horse
  11. 19. Oldest member of the gang
  12. 20. Group on the East Side
  13. 23. What did Cherry throw at Dally
  14. 24. Author of the book
  1. 2. Author of "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
  2. 3. Ponyboy's favorite
  3. 5. Ponyboy claims that he doesn't use his _______
  4. 7. Johnny & Pony dyed their hair with ____
  5. 8. Music socs like
  6. 13. Dally gets into a fight with _______
  7. 15. There is still_____ in the world
  8. 17. Cherry's real name
  9. 18. Ponyboy's oldest brother
  10. 21. Johnny's age
  11. 22. Where was Ponyboy almost drowned