The Outsiders

  1. 6. who is described as a movie star
  2. 7. what state was the outsiders set
  3. 9. what does bob use to fight with on his hands
  4. 10. what do the greasers put in there hair
  5. 12. where did johnny get jumped
  6. 13. socs and greaser fight that starts a
  7. 14. drunk
  8. 16. the police
  9. 18. who won the rumble
  10. 19. how many socs were at the rumble
  11. 21. A jail in slang
  1. 1. church where do Pony and Johnny go to lay low
  2. 2. who watches over Pony and johnny
  3. 3. who doesn't need to drink to become drunk
  4. 4. mustang its bobs car that the socs used to jump greasers
  5. 5. quin darry takes pony and johnny to this place
  6. 6. two-bits prized possession
  7. 8. a gun in slang
  8. 11. one of the socs girls named after a fruit
  9. 15. what did Johnny give Pony after the
  10. 17. who killed themselves with police officers
  11. 18. with the wind ponyboy and johnnys book
  12. 20. one how many greasers were at the rumble
  13. 21. a gangs territory