The Outsiders

  1. 1. Socs car
  2. 3. rich kids, mustangs, fancy
  3. 9. a way of transport to Jay mountain
  4. 11. 3 boys favorite breakfast food
  5. 13. someone who is tired of rumbles
  6. 14. hood like, drive old cars, not fancy
  7. 16. Pet of the group
  8. 17. someone who sees more to bob then anyone else
  9. 19. someone who pulls a gun on cops
  1. 2. oldest out of the group
  2. 4. someone who moves to Florida
  3. 5. important horse
  4. 6. Likes sunsets
  5. 7. someone who dies first
  6. 8. yells at Ponyboy a lot
  7. 10. Something one of the socs used to wear, hands
  8. 11. kids, fire
  9. 12. sleeps with Ponyboy
  10. 15. Soda's best buddy since grade school
  11. 18. A big fight that happens