The Outsiders

  1. 4. What is Ponyboy watching at the beginning of the story?
  2. 5. What place caught on fire?
  3. 7. What car do Bob and Randy drive?
  4. 9. West-side gang
  5. 10. Name of the Author
  6. 12. What book and Johnny and Ponyboy read while at the church?
  7. 15. What's the name of the book?
  8. 19. The greaser's secret spy
  9. 20. What did Ponyboy almost get drowned in?
  10. 21. The setting of the story
  11. 22. Where do Johnny and Ponyboy go after Darry gets into a fight with Ponyboy
  12. 23. How did Ponyboy almost die?
  13. 24. East-side gang
  1. 1. Ponyboy oldest brother
  2. 2. Who murdered someone?
  3. 3. Greasers slang for a big fight
  4. 6. Where Johnny's mother visits
  5. 8. The narrator of the story
  6. 10. The greaser's weapon of choice
  7. 11. Besides reading and smoking what do Johnny and Ponyboy play while at the church?
  8. 13. Had a horse named Mickey Mouse
  9. 14. Ponyboy says the greasers are so close they are practically what?
  10. 16. Another name for the socs
  11. 17. Where do Johnny and Ponyboy stay after the murder?
  12. 18. Who is Randy's girlfriend?