The Outsiders

  1. 1. acting embarrassed or ashamed
  2. 5. not ready to believe, doubting
  3. 7. spoke hesitantly
  4. 9. strong belief
  5. 11. withdrawing or shrinking from
  6. 13. not slack pulled tight
  7. 15. obeying
  8. 16. a feeling that something is about to happen
  9. 17. scornful
  10. 21. to draw together
  11. 24. in a casual and unenthusiastic manner
  12. 25. to sink back or down
  13. 26. a glowing piece of wood or coal
  1. 2. experienced in worldly ways
  2. 3. agonizing or tormenting
  3. 4. superior, top
  4. 6. in a gloomy silent way
  5. 8. a continued striving for advantage over another
  6. 10. in a pleading begging manner
  7. 12. color a tine or shade
  8. 14. to beam or shine
  9. 18. tortured agonized
  10. 19. adored worshipped or admired
  11. 20. open bold resistance to authority
  12. 22. wisely, knowingly
  13. 23. to escape understanding