The Outsiders

  1. 1. who dies by gunshot at the end of the book
  2. 3. who saves the kids in the church
  3. 5. oldest Curtis brother
  4. 6. fancy car the Socs drove
  5. 7. Sodapop's girlfriend
  6. 8. two-bit's prized possession
  7. 12. what Johnny told Pony to stay in his note
  8. 13. the rich kids in the town
  9. 14. the town that the church was located
  10. 15. Socs who pours a coke on Dally at the drive in
  11. 16. what Johnny and Pony hopped on to leave town
  12. 17. youngest Curtis brother
  13. 18. the poor kids in the town
  14. 20. another name for a fight
  15. 22. Randy's girlfriend
  1. 2. greasers where know for having this
  2. 4. where Johnny was jumped
  3. 7. middle Curtis brother
  4. 8. Sodapop's best friend
  5. 9. another name for a gun
  6. 10. where Pony was coming from when he got jumped
  7. 11. what Cherry and Pony talked about
  8. 15. another name for a cigarette
  9. 19. where Johnny killed Bob
  10. 21. who Johnny killed