The Outsiders - 3/24

  1. 2. The city where The Outsiders takes place
  2. 3. Ponyboy's oldest brother
  3. 5. This greaser is named after a drink
  4. 7. Last name of the author of The Outsiders
  5. 8. The type of car the greasers drive
  6. 10. They call him "Adolphin"
  7. 11. He need glasses, eventhough he sits in the front
  8. 12. The greasers rivals
  9. 13. He is the gang's pet
  1. 1. He was arrested when he was 10
  2. 4. She talks too much about Jaripeos
  3. 6. The main character in The Outsiders
  4. 8. Pony was walking from the ___ when he was jumped
  5. 9. He always has to take breaks in class