The Outsiders

  1. 3. After being attacked, Johnny carries what?
  2. 7. Who says, “I could fall in love with Dallas Winston”?
  3. 11. This type of stealing is Two-Bit Mathews’s specialty.
  4. 12. Sodapop’s friend and coworker at the gas station
  5. 13. Bob’s friend who is “sick of” the rivalry between Socs
  6. 14. Which greaser just got out of jail?
  7. 15. Cherry acts as one for the greasers.
  8. 17. Ponyboy fears that, while he was unconscious, he asked only for _________.
  9. 19. Slang for a big fight
  10. 20. While hiding out, Ponyboy and Johnny eat nothing but
  11. 21. Johnny leaves Ponyboy his copy of Gone With _____ ______.
  12. 23. The trademark the greasers are proud of is their __________.
  13. 24. Johnny rejects a visit from his __________.
  14. 25. A piece of timber falls on and breaks Johnny’s __________.
  1. 1. How did Ponyboy's parents die?
  2. 2. Ponyboy and Johnny stay in an abandoned __________.
  3. 4. Who has guardianship of Ponyboy and Sodapop?
  4. 5. Ponyboy asks Cherry if she can see the __________ real good from the West Side.”
  5. 6. The main rule of the big fight is no __________.
  6. 7. Ponyboy and Johnny talk about a Frost poem with the line “Nothing gold __________ __________.” (two words)
  7. 8. “__________ was the only thing Dally loved.”
  8. 9. Car driven by the Socs who jump Johnny (two words)
  9. 10. The gang’s nickname for Johnny
  10. 16. Ponyboy threatens Socs with a broken __________.
  11. 18. What is Keith Mathews' nickname?
  12. 19. After Darry slaps him, Ponyboy __________ __________.
  13. 22. The newspaper calls Ponyboy and Johnny __________.