The Outsiders - Chapter 1 - 8 (d)

  1. 4. A fight between gangs.
  2. 8. Side of town that the Greasers were from.
  3. 10. The state in which The Outsiders is set.
  4. 11. Ponyboy's brother who worked at a gas station.
  5. 13. The book that Johnny bought for Ponyboy to read to him: Gone with the _______.
  6. 14. Ponyboy and Johnny first met Cherry and Marcia here.
  7. 15. They often dressed in blue jeans and t-shirts.
  8. 17. A friend of Cherry
  9. 21. According to the newspaper article, Ponyboy and Johnny were ________.
  10. 26. Greasers were very proud of this; Ponyboy didn't want to cut his to disguise himself
  11. 27. Author of The Outsiders
  12. 28. Two-Bit's most prized possession. He gives it to Dally in the hospital.
  13. 29. Compared to the Greaser, the Socs were ______.
  14. 30. city in which The Outsiders was most likely set
  15. 31. Bob, Randy, Cherry and Marcia were part of this group.
  1. 1. First person narrator of The Outsiders
  2. 2. A favorite car model of the Socs. Randy drives a blue one.
  3. 3. What Jerry Wood was.
  4. 5. Ponyboy always wanted to live here
  5. 6. Most violent Greaser.
  6. 7. Robert Frost poem: "Nothing ______ Can Stay"
  7. 9. Nickname of Ponyboy's oldest brother.
  8. 12. Ponyboy and Johnny rescued the school children from this.
  9. 16. Ponyboy and Cherry both enjoyed looking at this.
  10. 18. He killed a Soc.
  11. 19. The last name of Ponyboy, Darry and Sodapop.
  12. 20. Dallas calls it a "heater"
  13. 22. She spied for the Greasers.
  14. 23. Side of town that the Socs were from.
  15. 24. Ponyboy and Johnny hid in an abandoned one.
  16. 25. Bob's friend; he said he wasn't going to the rumble