The Outsiders Crossword (Answers have no spaces).

  1. 4. The country that 'The Outsiders' is set in.
  2. 5. Protagonist.
  3. 7. The Outsiders' cover art.
  4. 9. An organised group of people who commit crimes.
  5. 11. A vehicle often used to jump gang members.
  6. 14. May be called the socs.
  7. 15. A force aimed at stopping crime.
  8. 16. A long film that is usually viewed in cinemas.
  9. 17. An alternate way to describe how cool something is.
  10. 20. The author to 'The Outsiders'.
  11. 23. One of the only female characters who argued Johnny's innocence.
  12. 24. What gang members feel towards others.
  13. 25. A commonly used tool to smoke tobacco.
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  15. 29. Is called 'muscles'.
  16. 31. Someone who has been abused at his house countless times.
  17. 33. The school class that The outsiders was written for.
  18. 34. A character who is somewhat of a leader of the socs.
  1. 1. The gang that is economically stable.
  2. 2. What Johnny does to save kids from the burning church.
  3. 3. The 'father' of ponyboy.
  4. 6. The character killed attempting to drown Ponyboy.
  5. 7. Last name shared between Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry.
  6. 8. The crime committed by Johnny.
  7. 10. A gang with signature greasy hair.
  8. 12. A theme common with physical and mental abuse.
  9. 13. The book Ponyboy is interested in.
  10. 14. A knife used often.
  11. 18. A character who is talented with stealing items from stores.
  12. 19. A place for people of the Christian religion pray.
  13. 21. A theme that represents male stereotypes.
  14. 22. The middle brother to Ponyboy and Darry.
  15. 26. A friend of Sodapop who is described as cocky and smart.
  16. 28. A word commonly used to describe that something is tough.
  17. 30. A conflict between the two gangs.
  18. 32. The university that S.E.Hinhon graduated in.