The Outsiders

  1. 5. Inability to breathe
  2. 7. A fancy car used in the 60's marketed by Chevrolet
  3. 13. Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something
  4. 15. Feeling or expressing anger or scorn
  5. 16. Showing a desire to resist authority
  6. 17. A young person who behaves illegally
  7. 19. A smoked sausage, sliced and eaten cold
  8. 20. A feeling of anticipation or anxiety over a future event
  9. 22. The process of sweating
  10. 23. A continuous pain in the head
  11. 24. A condition or fact connected with or relevant to an event or action
  12. 29. Popular soft drink; similar to Pepsi
  13. 30. An illness you can get by getting too cold
  14. 32. Slang for a swaggering young tough, troubled child
  15. 33. To avoid or escape from by quickness, sly
  16. 34. A common drug that reduces pain,fever
  17. 37. When you give someone or yourself a different identity or appearance
  18. 38. A person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster
  19. 39. Action of pausing before saying or doing something
  20. 40. Slang; to run away suddenly
  21. 41. Having an ugly or mean disposition
  22. 42. A long fight between two groups or an on going quarrel
  1. 1. The city that never sleeps or the big apple
  2. 2. The use of irony to mock contempt
  3. 3. To lose or become unworthy of respect
  4. 4. The body of words used in a particular language
  5. 6. Slang; to be attacked
  6. 8. To curse or swear; to use bad language or profanity
  7. 9. Having or showing much experience and knowledge about the world etc.
  8. 10. Someone who's occupation is repairing and maintaining auto mobiles
  9. 11. Not able to think or speak clearly
  10. 12. Slang for a gun or a device that heats for warmth
  11. 14. A piece of writing; especially a brief essay written as a school assignment
  12. 18. The look on someones face that carries a particular emotion
  13. 21. A group of friends often fighting other groups and behaving badly
  14. 25. An institution to which youthful offenders are sent as an alternative to prison
  15. 26. A thing smaller than normal
  16. 27. Not thinking or caring about the consequences of an action
  17. 28. Substitute for a parent that protects and cares for you
  18. 31. A great victory or achievement
  19. 35. An old term for a fridge
  20. 36. Slang for jail or an insulated container that keeps things cool