The Outsiders

  1. 1. Facial expression of pain
  2. 6. Sodapop's girlfriend
  3. 7. Unwillingly
  4. 9. Sodapop's best friend
  5. 10. A high school dropout that is good with mechanics, and is Ponyboy's brother
  6. 13. Light-headed; wandering in mind
  7. 15. Literary response; story; writing
  8. 16. The message or underlying meaning of a literary work
  9. 19. Method the writer uses to develop a character
  10. 22. Addiction
  11. 23. Declared not guilty
  12. 24. Confused
  13. 25. To go against
  14. 28. Imitate; copy
  15. 30. The person who stabbed and murdered Bob Sheldon to save Ponyboy
  1. 2. Careless; dangerous
  2. 3. Idea or feeling associated with the world
  3. 4. This character was shot under a street light when he pulled an unloaded gun on the police
  4. 5. When an author provides hints that predict events later in the story
  5. 8. Daze; unaware
  6. 11. The main character and narrator of the book
  7. 12. Sodapop's horse
  8. 14. Place and time of the story
  9. 17. Ponyboy's oldest brother who couldn't go to college because he had to work two jobs to support his family
  10. 18. Hesitate; speak brokenly; waver
  11. 20. Uneasy; fearful
  12. 21. Blonde
  13. 26. Highest class; the best
  14. 27. Referring to a literary work in another literary work
  15. 29. The Soc that spies on the Socs for the Greasers before the rumble