The Outsiders

  1. 2. "stay____,Ponyboy"
  2. 4. this is what makes greasers greasers
  3. 5. what soc's do to greasers
  4. 7. what happened at the church
  5. 8. a direct comparison
  6. 10. Soda's best friend
  7. 11. main character of the outsiders
  8. 12. people who jump greasers
  9. 13. Ponyboy's last name
  10. 14. force working against the protagonist
  11. 16. Dally's rodeo partner
  12. 17. the_______?/ the name of the book
  13. 20. gun
  14. 21. greaser that helps Johnny and Pony run away
  15. 22. all the greasers liked him
  16. 23. bravely, heroic
  17. 24. soc who spied for the greasers
  18. 26. soc that was killed by Johhny
  1. 1. Steve's best friend
  2. 2. rival of the socs
  3. 3. cars that the soc's drive
  4. 6. Dally's last name
  5. 8. plaid
  6. 9. where Johnny dies
  7. 10. what the greasers and socs watch at night
  8. 13. where Pony aand Johnny run away to
  9. 15. what greasers carry for protection
  10. 18. where Johnny kills Bob
  11. 19. oldest Curtis brother
  12. 25. author's last name