The Outsiders

  1. 1. character main character, plays a major part in the story
  2. 8. Mouse Sodapop’s horse
  3. 9. (Cherry) Soc, Bobs girlfriend
  4. 10. gives non-living things to human traits
  5. 13. Adderson Bobs friend
  6. 14. term to describe people who live in the
  7. 17. time and place of the story
  8. 18. of view perspective the story is told from
  9. 19. Dally and Sodapop’s brother
  10. 21. blade greasers carry them
  11. 22. Shepard Tim Shepards kid brother
  12. 23. person who tells the story
  13. 25. saves Johnny from a fire
  14. 26. amazed
  1. 2. good guy, central character, hero
  2. 3. Soda’s girlfriend
  3. 4. English teacher
  4. 5. rich kids
  5. 6. killed a Soc
  6. 7. how we learn about the characters
  7. 8. imitating
  8. 10. good guy central character, hero
  9. 11. when the author provides hints about events that will happen later in the story
  10. 12. with stubborn determination
  11. 15. muffled or tried to stop
  12. 16. Cherry’s friend
  13. 17. dressed up
  14. 20. Sheldon Soc Johnny kills
  15. 24. referring to a literary work in another literary work