The Outsiders

  1. 1. a plaid pattern
  2. 4. name of the horse Sodapop loves
  3. 6. place where Ponyboy and Johnny ran off to
  4. 7. another word for cigrette
  5. 10. hair that grows in a different direction
  6. 14. JUVENILE ______ TURN HEREOS
  7. 17. the main character of the book
  8. 18. Sodapop's best friend
  9. 19. fight between the greasers and socs
  10. 20. greaser who killed Bob
  11. 23. girl who became a spy for the greasers
  12. 24. Cherry's friend
  13. 26. another word for attacked
  14. 27. stay____Ponyboy,stay ____
  15. 29. Ponyboy's oldest brother
  16. 30. another word for police
  1. 2. to free someone
  2. 3. girl that Sodapop used to date
  3. 5. weapon used by both greasers and socs
  4. 8. greasers always to this before a rumble
  5. 9. Ponyboy's last name
  6. 11. another word for jail
  7. 12. another word for gun
  8. 13. to do something the same as someone else
  9. 15. blonde
  10. 16. get drunk
  11. 21. person that used to be Dally's friend
  12. 22. person who died after Johnny
  13. 25. place where Ponyboy and Johnny hid
  14. 28. a gang or group