The Outsiders

  1. 3. Pony’s all-star sport, involves running
  2. 4. Rich kid
  3. 5. Pony's oldest brother, "Muscles"
  4. 7. Fight
  5. 10. An example would be the fire station burning down
  6. 14. Greasers' and Socs weapon of choice
  7. 16. Socs' car
  8. 17. Saves Johnny from church
  9. 18. Dies after rescuing children from fire from broken back
  10. 19. Pony and Johnny's safe haven
  11. 22. Plaid
  12. 23. "Cancer stick" or "weed"
  13. 25. Ponyboy’s second addiction
  14. 27. Main character, narrator
  15. 30. Also known as mugging or beating up
  1. 1. Gun
  2. 2. Where Bob gets killed by Johnny
  3. 4. Comparison using like or as
  4. 6. Bob's best friend
  5. 8. Greasers’ hangout
  6. 9. Author's last name
  7. 11. Always drunk, talks a lot
  8. 12. Moral or lesson of the story
  9. 13. Giving an inanimate object human qualities
  10. 15. Cherry’s friend at the movie, Randy’s girlfriend
  11. 18. Cooler
  12. 20. Hood
  13. 21. Spy for greasers, ginger hair
  14. 22. Direct comparison, something is something else
  15. 24. Pony's older brother, best friends with Steve
  16. 26. Soda's best friend
  17. 28. Killed by Johnny
  18. 29. Slang for police