The Outsiders

  1. 2. ponyboys best friend
  2. 4. johnnys victim
  3. 6. whos does ponyboy get a ride home from
  4. 8. where does bob get killed
  5. 9. spy for greasers
  6. 10. cherrys friend
  7. 11. how old is johnny
  8. 12. johnny kills someone with this
  9. 15. another word for a fight
  10. 17. dally gave them this before they ran to the church
  11. 18. west side
  12. 19. author
  13. 21. who is ponyboys english teacher
  14. 22. why did ponyboy have to stay in bed for a weak
  15. 24. who do the greasers team up ith in the rumble
  16. 29. a.k.a police
  17. 30. who carrys around a switchblade
  18. 31. with the wind what bookdid johnny get ponyboy
  1. 1. how old is ponyboys
  2. 3. johnnys best friend
  3. 5. how old is darry
  4. 7. east side
  5. 13. greasers smoke this
  6. 14. nice t shirt
  7. 16. greasers favorite drink
  8. 20. greasers smoke this even more
  9. 21. socs drive this
  10. 23. where did dally send ponyboy and johnny
  11. 25. whos book does ponyboy look into and find a picure
  12. 26. how old is two bit
  13. 27. what beverage do greasers drink
  14. 28. what happened at the church