The Outsiders

  1. 3. This burns down because of Johnny and Ponyboy
  2. 7. Smoked by Greasers and Soc's
  3. 10. Bob's friend, also a Soc
  4. 11. Another name for a gun
  5. 13. The girl Johnny, Pony, Two-bit, and Dally met at the theater
  6. 15. Pony's best friend
  7. 16. Cherry's friend
  8. 17. A name for a knife
  9. 19. Soda's old horse
  10. 20. Narrating using he, she, and it
  11. 23. Two-bit and Darry's best friend
  12. 25. Describes a subject by comparison
  13. 27. Soda's ex-girlfriend
  1. 1. A type of car the Soc's drive
  2. 2. Darry and Steve's best friend
  3. 4. Author of "The Outsiders"
  4. 5. Stuff Greasers put in their hair
  5. 6. Darry and Soda's brother
  6. 8. Giving a non-living thing, human characteristics
  7. 9. Sherry Valance's nickname
  8. 12. Plaid clothing
  9. 14. The Soc that Johnny kills
  10. 18. Narrating using I, we, and me
  11. 21. Darry and Soda's brother
  12. 22. Place and time of a book or movie
  13. 23. Comparing something using like or as
  14. 24. Last member of the gang
  15. 26. One of the Shepard's
  16. 27. Pony and Darry's brother