The Outsiders

  1. 5. bob's friend
  2. 8. works with steve
  3. 9. Juvenile ____turn heros.
  4. 15. another name for a cigarette
  5. 17. cancer stick
  6. 18. person who tells story
  7. 19. good guy or main character
  8. 21. main character
  9. 23. "Is he wild and reckless like soda?"
  10. 24. police
  11. 26. hints that relate to later events
  12. 28. rich, higher class
  13. 30. place of story
  1. 1. scarred greaser
  2. 2. fell
  3. 3. Jonny looks up to him
  4. 4. gun
  5. 6. oldest greaser
  6. 7. "Her hardest hue to hold"
  7. 10. cool
  8. 11. greaser spy
  9. 12. the perspective of story
  10. 13. poor, hoodlum
  11. 14. "Nature's first green is gold."
  12. 16. ponyboy's older brother
  13. 20. Gone with the wind
  14. 22. soc with rings
  15. 25. young, innocent
  16. 27. force working agaist protagonist
  17. 29. soda's best friend