The Outsiders

  1. 2. comparing like or as
  2. 4. one of ponyboy brother
  3. 7. the guy Johnny killed
  4. 8. good guy
  5. 9. look cool
  6. 10. not importation character
  7. 13. charactering story tells story
  8. 16. from the east side
  9. 18. how we meet characters
  10. 21. sodapop girlfriend
  11. 22. mad look
  12. 25. hair sticking up
  13. 27. ponyboy friend
  14. 28. Ponyboy’s oldest brother
  1. 1. not knowing
  2. 3. the main character
  3. 5. someone out sid tells the story
  4. 6. not willingly
  5. 8. perspective story told from
  6. 10. main character
  7. 11. bad people
  8. 12. person who tells the story
  9. 14. the knife used in the book
  10. 15. a place the story is in
  11. 17. act like
  12. 19. against the protagonist
  13. 20. not guilty
  14. 23. the author of the outsiders
  15. 24. the rich kids
  16. 26. bob girlfriend