The Outsiders

  1. 3. Compare two seperate things with like or as
  2. 6. Randle Sodas bestfreind
  3. 7. mischievous
  4. 12. Person he/she tells the story
  5. 13. A Greasers knife
  6. 14. Idea or feeling associated with the word
  7. 15. A cigarette
  8. 16. Ponyboys brother
  9. 18. repition of consanonts in a phrase or line
  10. 20. giving non-living things human traits
  11. 25. The force working against our protagonist
  12. 28. Referring to a literary work in another literary work
  13. 29. somthing is somthing else
  14. 30. Fast or quickly
  1. 1. Message or underlining of the story
  2. 2. Person The charecter in the story tells the story
  3. 4. Sodapops hourse
  4. 5. Showing disbeleif
  5. 8. of view Perspective the story is told from
  6. 9. How we learn about charecters
  7. 10. Charecter Main charecter or play a large role in the story
  8. 11. Good guy, central charecter, hero
  9. 17. inexpensive plad shirt
  10. 19. Odd/Weird
  11. 21. Person who tells story
  12. 22. When the author provides hints about events that will happen later in the story
  13. 23. Somthing in your hair or type of hair
  14. 24. Main charecter of the Outsiders
  15. 26. Place of the story
  16. 27. Girl they met at the drive in theater