The Outsiders

  1. 1. something IS something else
  2. 3. perspective in which the story is told
  3. 5. got murdered
  4. 6. soc that didn't go to the rumble
  5. 7. cops shot and killed him
  6. 8. jokester
  7. 10. main characters
  8. 12. often the bad guy
  9. 13. good guy, hero
  10. 15. Soda's friend
  11. 17. when a nonliving thing is given living traits
  12. 19. called a heater
  13. 20. Soda's old house
  14. 23. English teacher
  15. 24. Cherrys best friend
  16. 25. when the author gives hints about what will happen later in the story
  17. 26. Bob's girlfriend
  18. 27. time and place of the story
  1. 1. less important characters
  2. 2. youngest member in the gang
  3. 4. town where the church was
  4. 9. how we learn about the characters
  5. 11. died from the fire
  6. 14. someone outside of the story is telling the story
  7. 15. uses like or as when comparing two things
  8. 16. Ponyboy's oldest brother
  9. 18. person who tells the story
  10. 21. middle child
  11. 22. lower class
  12. 25. the character in the story telling the story