The Outsiders

  1. 3. How many people died in the Outsiders book
  2. 4. What color did Ponyboy die his hair
  3. 6. Whats sodapops last name
  4. 7. What is Darrys real name
  5. 9. Is Ponyboy a greaser or a soc
  6. 10. What the socs and greasers call a fight
  7. 11. Who shot Darry
  8. 14. Who is ponyboys best friend
  9. 15. Who wrote the Outsiders book
  10. 16. What did the socs drive when the jumped ponyboy
  11. 18. Who did Johnny not want to see in the hospital
  1. 1. Where did Johnny kill the soc
  2. 2. What is Cherrys last name
  3. 3. How did Ponyboys parents die
  4. 5. What burnt down the church
  5. 6. Who is Ponyboys only socs friend
  6. 7. Who punched Ponyboy
  7. 8. What was Dary doing when he got shot
  8. 11. Who is the mharacter of the Outsiders
  9. 12. Where did the fire happen
  10. 13. Where did Ponyboy almost drown
  11. 16. Where did Ponyboy first get jumped
  12. 17. Who are the greasers enemy