  1. 3. the back of your neck
  2. 4. unable or unwilling to trust
  3. 7. unbelievably great
  4. 8. is a means of transportation that is gained by asking people for a ride on the road
  5. 11. is a thug,usually in a group of misfits that are associated with crime or theft
  6. 12. slang,a swaggering young tough man especially a member of a street gang
  7. 14. to swear
  8. 15. make or become stiff or rigid
  9. 16. shoes
  10. 18. light plaid
  11. 20. dame is the female equivalent of the honor of knighthood in the British honors system
  1. 1. to make an aggressive growl with bared teeth
  2. 2. the lowest class of people (money wise). they do anything for a living drug dealling,shoplifting etc
  3. 5. blade that opens with a button/switch
  4. 6. slang,for police
  5. 9. drunk
  6. 10. a cover like thing the you put on tires
  7. 13. slang,the richer kids/people, with more money,better cars etc
  8. 17. a cigarette brand
  9. 19. unable to react or think properly