The Outsiders

  1. 7. A young person who gets into trouble or acts in a criminal way
  2. 9. Drunk
  3. 12. Gun
  4. 13. Something modified or upgraded for performance or looks (usually cars)
  5. 15. To steal
  6. 16. brave; courageous; dashing
  7. 18. a state in which the mind and senses are dulled
  8. 20. anxious or fearful about the future
  9. 21. A term for a woman, usually offensive
  10. 24. A cigarette
  11. 25. difficult or impossible to understand
  12. 28. The Police
  13. 29. an unruly tuft of hair
  14. 30. an addict
  1. 1. To rob someone
  2. 2. failed to be remembered or understood; escaped from memory
  3. 3. To beat up; assault
  4. 4. Jail
  5. 5. A fight
  6. 6. To do something or go somewhere alone
  7. 8. a Chevrolet automobile model.
  8. 10. the condition or fact of being in harmony or agreement; correspondence; congruity; similarity
  9. 11. in a manner full of contempt; scornfully; disdainfully.
  10. 14. an organized group of criminals
  11. 17. A territory or location belonging to a person or group
  12. 19. a Ford Thunderbird
  13. 22. To understand; to like
  14. 23. cotton, plaid material (for clothing)
  15. 26. To be angry
  16. 27. indifference; emotional distance