The Outsiders

  1. 3. a rough young man, especially one who greases his hair back and is a member of a gang
  2. 5. a term for a woman, usually offensive
  3. 7. a soft light fabric usually plaid and maid of cotton, usually made in pants, dresses, shorts, and jackets
  4. 9. an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century
  5. 10. resisting control or authority
  6. 11. impossible to come to understand
  7. 13. similarity in appearance or external or superficial details
  8. 15. make, distribute, or sell (illicit goods, especially liquor, computer software, or recordings) illegally
  9. 16. a large, no-holds barred fight between groups of people; a gang fight
  10. 17. a knife with a blade that springs out from the handle when a button is pressed
  11. 20. up dressed in a fancy or formal clothing
  12. 21. a young person who gets into trouble or acts in a criminal way
  13. 22. to swear or curse; to use bad language or profanity
  14. 23. delinquent a kid guilty of criminal behavior
  1. 1. hairstyle that is a larger hairstyle that usually goes up above your head or off to the sides. Used grease to slick hair back
  2. 2. cigar or cigarette
  3. 3. brave, courageous; dashing
  4. 4. a person who is stuck-up, snooty, and thinks they are better than everyone else
  5. 6. 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer-winning 1936 novel
  6. 8. popular sports car in the 60's
  7. 12. to fall or faint
  8. 14. a party where people drink a lot of beer
  9. 17. be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen
  10. 18. excellent
  11. 19. guns