The Outsiders

  1. 3. person who has abandoned a course of study
  2. 6. a cigar or cigarette
  3. 8. to beat up; assault
  4. 10. cat cheshire cat
  5. 11. the police
  6. 12. any type of alcohol
  7. 13. jail
  8. 15. to understand or like
  9. 16. a knife with a blade that springs out from the handle when a button is pressed
  10. 20. a young horse
  11. 21. a person legally placed in charge of a minor
  12. 22. an organized group of criminals
  13. 23. to steal
  14. 25. fine-textured cotton fabric; usually patterned
  15. 27. a compliment for being cool or fashionable
  16. 29. a gun
  1. 1. a famous poet
  2. 2. hoodlum; gets into trouble or acts in a criminal way
  3. 4. to swear or curse
  4. 5. abbreviation for Socials; West Side rich kids
  5. 7. hydrogen peroxide; used to bleach hair
  6. 9. popular actor in the 1950s
  7. 14. hair that grows in a different direction and resists to be combed flat
  8. 17. a Chevrolet automobile model
  9. 18. brave and courageous
  10. 19. short for juvenile delinquent
  11. 21. term for hoods on the East Side
  12. 24. a territory or location belonging to someone
  13. 26. a street fight between gangs
  14. 28. to understand; get the idea