The outsiders

  1. 8. begging a person to do something
  2. 9. accepting without complaint
  3. 11. protecting oneself from harm
  4. 13. cool or sharp looking
  5. 14. strong feeling, esp. anger
  6. 16. color tint or shade
  7. 17. not very clearly
  8. 18. strong and rough
  9. 21. disobedient
  10. 23. arrogant or stuck up
  1. 1. newspaper editor's opinion
  2. 2. confusing
  3. 3. showing disgust or disapproval
  4. 4. mean or irritabl socially with regard to society
  5. 5. cried loudly
  6. 6. something having value
  7. 7. doubting; skeptical
  8. 10. cloth with a plaid design
  9. 12. penal institution for teenagers
  10. 14. warning of what is to come
  11. 15. getting by trickery
  12. 19. society's best
  13. 20. character with light brown almost red hair
  14. 22. falls to a lower level