the outsiders

  1. 3. bold resistance to authority
  2. 6. skeptical disbelieving
  3. 8. an unruly tuft of hair
  4. 11. difficult or impossible to understand
  5. 12. playfully mischievous devilishly
  6. 14. struck with fear
  7. 15. not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your action
  8. 18. unwilling
  9. 20. indifference; emotional distance
  10. 21. copied someone’s speech
  11. 25. delinquent a juvenile guilty of
  1. 1. anxious or fearful about the future
  2. 2. totally confused
  3. 4. quickly without much thought
  4. 5. courageous dashing
  5. 7. sudden, severe confusion
  6. 9. disrespectfully scornfully
  7. 10. failed to be remembered or understood; escaped from memory
  8. 13. a state in which you cannot think, speak, see, or hear clearly
  9. 16. an addict
  10. 17. having light almost white blonde
  11. 19. behavior troublemaker
  12. 22. cotton plaid material for clothing
  13. 23. to fall or faint
  14. 24. privileged the best of a class