The Outsiders

  1. 2. Stunned or confused and slow to react
  2. 3. Thick oil that some people put on their hair
  3. 5. The liquid used to bleach Pony's hair
  4. 7. A young person who gets into trouble or acts in a criminal way
  5. 9. To swear or curse; to use bad language or profanity
  6. 11. A term used in the 50's & 60's referring to young people talking
  7. 12. Cool, fashionable. A compliment
  8. 13. To be angry
  9. 15. A cigarette
  10. 16. A popular sports car in the 60's
  11. 18. To steal
  12. 19. To beat up; assault
  13. 20. Jail
  1. 1. Become drunk or drink excessively
  2. 4. A popular brand of cigarettes in the 60's
  3. 6. The place where young offenders were sent instead of prison
  4. 8. Gun
  5. 10. Deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing
  6. 11. A knife
  7. 14. Police
  8. 17. A gang fight