The Outsiders

  1. 2. Cherry threw hers in Dally's face.
  2. 5. Getting one upset Pony because he lost his trademark.
  3. 6. Slang for knife.
  4. 10. Soc that Johnny killed.
  5. 12. Another name for a fight.
  6. 14. Pony was almost drowned in one.
  7. 15. West-Side rich kids.
  8. 17. Hideout that caught on fire.
  9. 18. Belonged to Bob, and cut up Johnny's face.
  10. 21. Pony's eldest brother.
  11. 22. She became a greaser spy.
  1. 1. Color of the Mustang.
  2. 3. Johnny's murder weapon.
  3. 4. Pony and Johnny fell asleep in the empty _______.
  4. 7. Johnny looked up to this greaser the most.
  5. 8. The boys hideout was on top of Jay's __________.
  6. 9. East-end gang.
  7. 11. Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy.
  8. 13. He killed Bob and saved the children.
  9. 16. dally injured his getting Johnny out.
  10. 19. Pony's middle brother.
  11. 20. Darry hit Pony because he was ________.